Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Salam to all,
Disini terdapat beberapa topik penting untuk di tekankan.
Terima Kasih kepada sahabat 1st year yang prihatin.
Sumber : Dr. Sanaa Physiology 

CVS ( 4 questions )
1. Pacemaker potential  ( definition + causes )
2. Contractility
3. Atrial Flutter and Fibrillation
4. Cardiac cycle ( isometric contraction/ relaxation ), Jugular Pulse ( curve,significance ), Radial Pulse ( factor, curve )
5. Heart sound ( cause and character )
6. Heart rate ( respiratory sinus arrythmia, Chemical regulation heart rate, asphyxia )
7. COP ( definition, factor venous return )
8. Cardiac Reserve ( definition, mechanism )
9. Physiological factor normal value of blood pressure
10. Basal vascular tone
11. Triple response
12. Bilateral vagatomy
13. Oedema
14. Coronary circulation
15. Factor affect pulmonary ciculation
16. Haemorrhage ( sign, symptomps )

ANS ( 3 questions )
1. autonomic ganglia
2. Reflex action ( type )
3. Sympathetic ( head neck, abdominal viscera, greater splanchnic nerve )
4. Vagal nerve ( parasympathetic ) to pelvis
5. Site of release Ach

MUSCLE AND NERVE ( 3 questions )
1. Strength Duration Curve
2. Depolarization, Repolarization ( causes )
3. Electrotonus
4. Excitability ( factor ) 
5. Neuromuscular tranmitter ( factor )
6. Excitation contraction coupling
7. EPP ( definition )
8. Isotonic vs isometric
9. Reaction to denervation

BLOOD ( 3 qustions )
1. plasma protein ( Fx, separation, type )
2. Blood coagulation ( Hemostasis, mechanism extrinsic n intrinsic, heparin vs dicoumarol, heamophilia vs purpura ) 
3. Platelet ( Fx)
4. Eryhtrocyte ( Fx, factors iron absorption, factor erythropoiesis )
5. Blood group ( Rh factor , Incompatible blood transfusion )
6. Leucocytes ( type n Fx )

RESPIRATION ( 4 questions )
1. Lung compliance/ surfactant / dead space
2. Residual volume
3. Vital capacity ( definition, factor )
4. Diffusion pulmonary membrane 
5. O2 dissociation curve
6. respiratory center
7. Nervous regulation
8. acid base balance
9. hypoxia ( type )

Topik2 kat atas ni yang harus di tekankan lebih..yang lain pun penting jugak  :). 
“Dan tolong menolonglah kamu pada perkara kebaikan dan janganlah bekerjasama dalam perkara-perkara dosa dan yang menimbulkan permusuhan”     Al- Maidah ayat 2 
Salam Najjah ,

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